Create immense impact for a sustainable world with Lady Freethinker

Create immense impact for a sustainable world with Lady Freethinker 

Sign: Ban The Horrific Dog Meat Trade in S. Korea

We try to provide reliable petition sites and click sites for our readers to conveniently volunteer as they wish.

One of the great sites to raise awareness and volunteer is Lady Freethinker. You can freely get into their world and enjoy the change. 

Website's Note

Lady Freethinker (LFT) is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) media organization dedicated to exposing and stopping suffering of animals, humans and the planet. Here you’ll find urgent news articles and petitions to help end cruelty and promote humane treatment of all species. With your support, we’re able to go beyond publishing as well, and provide direct aid to animals in desperate situations — such as those rescued from the cruel dog and cat meat trade.
