Environmental Issues

Quick Links
We have been using these websites for many years.
They are so effective that you can save a lot of land and plant a lot of trees by simply clicking on the sponsor links.
Read our reviews below first and then return to the following quick links whenever you wish to save some land and oceans!
Reviews of the Click-Sites for the Environment
cannecy.free.fr is an interesting click site. When the clickers click on the banner in the middle of the page, they convert the click into solar energy.
Following link shows the way that you can convert your click into solar energy.
The website provides valuable information regarding the uses of solar energy throughout the world.
Website Note:
Your click has been converted to 1 Kw of solar energy!
Please come back.. and tell your friends about us.
Our advertisers' fees are donated to non-profits that provide solar energy supplies to under-developed countries. Please support our sponsors by visiting their sites. A percentage of all sales made through this site are contributed to participating non-profit organizations, S.E.L.F. and Fondem.
brotherearth.com is a highly effective nonprofit providing assistance to numerous activities throughout the world. Their website includes information about the environmental issues and their endeavors. Their wish is worth reading.
Website Note:
When you choose the activity you want to support and click the "Donate" button, Brother will make a donation of one yen (about one cent USD) per click on your behalf.
Brother Earth activities are being carried out in various places around the world in many different forms. Be sure to check the progress of our activities for yourself, and join in. To keep living on this beautiful earth for the next 100 years, the Brother Group will continue to move forward with you, in order to realize a better global environment.
ecologyfund.com is one of a kind that the world really needs when it comes to and for the good of the balance in the wild that needs constructive human interactions.
They saved hundreds of miles of land so far. And we are supporting them in every platform.
The website offers serious information about many ecological issues.
Website Note:
You have saved 16.5 square feet of Bolivian wildlife, and 2 square feet of Colombian wildlife paid for by the sponsors above. Please visit their sites to thank them. You may increase your contribution to this project by making a Special Donation. To do this, simply click on any of the sponsors' or advertisers' banners above and visit their Web site. This action will at least double the sponsor's or advertiser's contribution to this project.
About EcologyFund
EcologyFund is owned and operated by The Hunger Site Network as a way to get new funds for critical habitat and wilderness preservation using the power of the internet. When you "click to give" our sponsors pay the project you selected to preserve the number of square feet shown by each project. You pay nothing. To maximize the contribution, click on each project every day. If you register, The Hunger Site Network will donate 500 square feet of wilderness in your name, and will keep a running tally for you of all the land you have preserved. Other sites owned and operated by The Hunger Site Network are The Hunger Site, The Breast Cancer Site, The Rainforest Site, The Animal Rescue Site, and GreaterGood.com.
All monies from sponsorships generated on EcologyFund go to purchase and protect wild lands. Sponsors are interested in supporting wilderness preservation for the same reasons we are: 1) its good for the environment, 2) our advertising budgets can do double duty and accomplish something important, and 3) the best form of public relations is good work. If you click and visit a sponsor's site it will usually double their contribution. Clicks to site advertisers in our Special Donations section will save additional land or plant trees. Certain actions (ordering free catalogs or registering for free) will save even more land or plant additional trees through our Rainforest Rewards section. Shopping through Shop For Acres will save an average of 50 square feet per dollar spent. The average amount of land protected through each action of the site is always specified. A breakdown of the amount contributed is listed in our totals section.
Through cannecy.free.fr, the donation from click will be used to clean your country.
Following link shows the way that you can use your click in cleaning your country.
The website provides valuable information regarding the waste issues throughout the world.
Website Note:
Your country is cleaned by our sponsors,
in collaboration with non-profit organizations.
Thank you,
Come back often and tell your friends.
More information about waste in your country:
CareToClick is very efficient in many charitable areas including the saving of lands to protect wildlife.
You can protect 37 sq ft of wildlife habitat every day by clicking on the respective places on the site
Following links shows the way that you can help with wildlife issues.
Website Note:
The Online Community Where Every Action Has Impact
Care2 is one of the largest online communities in which you can find numerous ways to help environment.
You can sign petitions or click daily to help the environment flourish.
Following link shows the way how you can help with the climate change.
Website Note:
You may click once a day, every day. 100% of the donations raised go directly to Carbonfund.org, which supports renewable energy, energy efficiency and reforestation projects globally that reduce carbon dioxide emissions and the threat of climate change.
CareToClick is very efficient in many charitable areas including offsetting cell-phone use.
You can offset 100 days of cell phone every day by clicking on the respective places on the site
Following link shows the way how you can help with the environment.
Website Note:
The Online Community Where Every Action Has Impact
CareToClick is very efficient in many charitable areas including protection of 37 sq ft of wildlife habitat.
You can protect 37 sq ft of wildlife habitat everyday by clicking on the respective buttons on the site
Following link shows the way that you can help with the environment.
Website Note:
The Online Community Where Every Action Has Impact
Care2 is one of the largest online communities in which you can find numerous ways to help environment.
You can sign signatures or click daily to help the environment flourish.
Following link shows the way that you can help with the oceans.
Website Note:
So far, 2,623,502 people have protected 69,777.2 acres of oceans
About our oceans
Oceans cover 71 percent of the globe, and they are as important to us as they are vast. Yet our oceans are in grave trouble. 90% of the big marine predator fish are gone, all six species of sea turtle are listed as endangered or critically endangered, and populations of sharks and rays have been decimated worldwide. The time to save our oceans is now.
About Oceana
The problems facing the world's oceans can be solved, and Oceana's mission is to identify these practical solutions and make them happen. Oceana is an international organization committed to achieving measurable change by conducting specific, fact-based campaigns with fixed deadlines and articulated goals.
How your clicks turn into donations
Our advertisers sponsor this site and make your donations to Oceana possible. Every day that you click, you are generating a true cash donation. Care2 guarantees every daily click-through to the 'Thank You' / Sponsor page will generate a donation of at least $0.50 CPM from the advertisers. You can show your support for our advertisers by clicking on their ads. Care2 pools all of the daily donations and delivers these funds to Oceana on a regular basis.
How your click helps
Your daily click funds the critical campaigns that Oceana wages to save our oceans. With your help, in 2009 alone Oceana's effective campaigning has already helped:
save sea turtles by prohibiting deadly longline fishing gear in waters where sea turtles forage.
protect the Arctic from industrial fishing;
preserve sharks through legislation to prevent shark finning in the U.S. and ban the catch of threatened sharks in Spain;
Learn more about the successes that you have helped Oceana achieve for our oceans.
cannecy.free.fr is an interesting click site. When the clickers click on the banner in the middle of the page, they plant an oak tree in return of your click.
Following link shows the way that you can plant an oak tree every day!
The website provides valuable information regarding trees.
Website Note:
Come back often, and tell your friends. We are building the biggest oak forest in the world.
Please come back.. and tell your friends about us.
CareToClick is very efficient in many charitable areas including Rainforest protection in large amounts.
You can protect 8.4 square feet of rainforest by clicking on the respective places on the site
Following link shows the way that you can protect 8.4 square feet of rainforest.
Website Note:
The Online Community Where Every Action Has Impact
ecologyfund.com is one of a kind that the world really needs when it comes to and for the good of the balance in the wild that needs constructive human interactions.
They saved hundreds of miles of land so far. And we are supporting them in every platform.
The website offers serious information about many ecological issues.
Website Note:
You have saved .2 square feet of Western American Wilderness and .05 square feet of the Palmyra Atoll, paid for by the sponsors above. Please visit their sites to thank them. You may increase your contribution to this project by making a Special Donation. To do this, simply click on any banner above and visit their web site. This action will at least double the sponsor's or advertiser's contribution to this project.
About EcologyFund
EcologyFund is owned and operated by The Hunger Site Network as a way to get new funds for critical habitat and wilderness preservation using the power of the internet. When you "click to give" our sponsors pay the project you selected to preserve the number of square feet shown by each project. You pay nothing. To maximize the contribution, click on each project every day. If you register, The Hunger Site Network will donate 500 square feet of wilderness in your name, and will keep a running tally for you of all the land you have preserved. Other sites owned and operated by The Hunger Site Network are The Hunger Site, The Breast Cancer Site, The Rainforest Site, The Animal Rescue Site, and GreaterGood.com.
All monies from sponsorships generated on EcologyFund go to purchase and protect wild lands. Sponsors are interested in supporting wilderness preservation for the same reasons we are: 1) its good for the environment, 2) our advertising budgets can do double duty and accomplish something important, and 3) the best form of public relations is good work. If you click and visit a sponsor's site it will usually double their contribution. Clicks to site advertisers in our Special Donations section will save additional land or plant trees. Certain actions (ordering free catalogs or registering for free) will save even more land or plant additional trees through our Rainforest Rewards section. Shopping through Shop For Acres will save an average of 50 square feet per dollar spent. The average amount of land protected through each action of the site is always specified. A breakdown of the amount contributed is listed in our totals section.
The sub-website of the series of websites entitled clickToGive of the organization called GreaterGood offers numerous opportunities to help with the animal issues.
It has indeed a rich content that includes online sales of accessories and objects as well as news about the environmental issues.
Don’t forget to sign the petitions on the site. They usually work and have changed many things so far.
The website runs daily click projects and you can see your strong impact every day.
Website Note:
About GreaterGood
Providing easy online ways to help people, animals, and the planet
GreaterGood began in 1999 to provide support for worthy causes through easy, online actions. Since its launch, GreaterGood has contributed more than $30 million to charities around the world.
Each of our cause-related websites partners with nonprofits to provide support through many different easy actions, including a free, fast 'click', shopping, and through the Gifts That Give More™ online donation program.
Currently, all donations generated by GreaterGood activities are distributed by GreaterGood.org, a 501c3 nonprofit. Each year, GreaterGood.org grants go to more than 130 charities working in the United States and worldwide. Recent grants include, but are not limited to: providing meals for the hungry and supporting sustainable practices to end poverty; providing micronutrients and oral rehydration formula to bring ailing infants and children back to health; supporting breast cancer research and programs helping women receive free mammograms; rescuing and caring for abandoned pets or endangered animals until a permanent home can be found; helping families cope with autism; feeding homeless veterans and assisting them in finding housing and jobs; funding leading-edge diabetes research; encouraging reading and literacy through providing books, scholarships, and other educational services; and preserving rainforests and other wildlife habitat.
You can learn more about our current projects and how you can help more at GreaterGood.org.
Care2 is one of the largest online communities in which you can find numerous ways to help environment.
You can sign signatures or click daily to help the environment flourish.
Following link shows the way that you can help with the oceans.
Website Note:
So far, 3,126,375 people have saved 11,016.6 acres of rainforest
About our rainforests
Wild and wondrous, rainforests extend from as far as Alaska and Canada to Latin America, Asia and Africa. They nurture thousands of plants and animals found nowhere else on Earth and provide life's essentials such as our medicines, food and water. Yet more than half of Earth's original rainforests have been destroyed, victims of unsustainable agriculture, ranching, logging, mining and other destructive practices.
About The Nature Conservancy
The Nature Conservancy's mission is to preserve the plants, animals and natural communities that represent the diversity of life on Earth by protecting the lands and waters they need to survive. The Nature Conservancy uses a science-based approach to protect rainforests and other ecosystems, pursuing non-confrontational, pragmatic solutions to conservation challenges. A core component of The Nature Conservancy's conservation approach is its partnerships with indigenous communities, businesses, governments, multilateral institutions, other non-profits ... and people such as yourself.
How your clicks turn into donations
Our advertisers sponsor this site and make your donations to The Nature Conservancy possible. Every day that you click, you are generating a true cash donation. Care2 guarantees every daily click-through to the 'Thank You' / Sponsor page will generate a donation of at least $0.50 CPM from the advertisers. You can show your support for our advertisers by clicking on their ads. Care2 pools all of the daily donations and delivers these funds to The Nature Conservancy on a regular basis.
How your click helps
Every second of every day, a slice of rainforest the size of a football field is mowed down. Your daily click helps us stop this destruction and protect our precious remaining rainforests. With your help, The Nature Conservancy's Adopt an Acre® program has already helped to protect more than 600,000 acres of important rainforests around the globe.
Learn more about The Nature Conservancy's rainforest successes!
Your individual impact
donate1click.com is several “click” options, ranging from health issues to rainforest conservation, including famine, as well as some links and knowledge bases.
It features (graphic) tested animals or African kids dying of hunger as well as some facts underlining that half of the children on earth live in poverty.
When you click every day, you will help greatly with the hunger issue throughout the world.
Website Note:
In less than 5 seconds, you can, by a simple click, help protect the rainforest land. Please Donate Clicks every day.
Deforestation is the permanent destruction of indigenous forests and woodlands. The term does not include the removal of industrial forests such as plantations of gums or pines. Deforestation has resulted in the reduction of indigenous forests to four-fifths of their pre-agricultural area. Indigenous forests now cover 21% of the earth's land surface.
* Use wood sparingly. An energy-efficient stove, The Number One Wood Stove is available from: Mr C. le Clezio, P O Box 55333, Northlands, 2116. Tel. 011-7866709.
* To learn how to make a low-cost, energy-efficient stove contact: Dr A Marsh, Small Industries Project, P.O. Box 143, Windhoek, Namibia. Tel.061-64527.
* The "Wonder Box" is a cheap, simple way to save fuel, whether wood or electricity. For a demonstration or to order: Women for Peace, PO Box 87233, Houghton, 2041. Tel.011-6464501
* Plant indigenous trees.
* Alteration of local and global climates through disruption of:
- a) The carbon cycle. Forests act as a major carbon store because carbon dioxide (CO2) is taken up from the atmosphere and used to produce the carbohydrates, fats, and proteins that make up the tree. When forests are cleared, and the trees are either burnt or rot, this carbon is released as CO2. This leads to an increase in the atmospheric CO2 concentration. CO2 is the major contributor to the greenhouse effect. It is estimated that deforestation contributes one-third of all CO2 releases caused by people.
- b) The water cycle. Trees draw ground water up through their roots and release it into the atmosphere (transpiration). In Amazonia over half of all the water circulating through the region's ecosystem remains within the plants. With removal of part of the forest, the region cannot hold as much water. The effect of this could be a drier climate.
* Soil erosion With the loss of a protective cover of vegetation more soil is lost.
* Silting of watercourses, lakes and dams This occurs as a result of soil erosion.
* Extinction of species which depend on the forest for survival. Forests contain more than half of all species on our planet - as the habitat of these species is destroyed, so the number of species declines (see Enviro Facts "Biodiversity").
* Desertification: The causes of desertification are complex, but deforestation is one of the contributing factors (see Enviro Facts "Desertification")
Land Care Niagara is a website dedicated to land conservation in Niagara area.
When you click on the respective button, you will help plant a tree.
The website works seriously on the programs that will help enhance the regions.
It has planted many trees so far by the help of the clickers.
Website Note:
Since 1995 Land Care Niagara (LCN) has been committed to creating a healthy and sustainable rural and urban environment, consisting of citizens who are knowledgeable and active in land resource management.
Land Care Niagara has been involved in the planting of over 1.2 million trees in the Region of Niagara. This represents about 575 hectares of forest restored to trees.
Once mature these 1.2 million trees will absorb enough CO2 over one year to equal the amount produced by driving a car 60 million kilometres. These same trees will produce enough oxygen for 26,000 people to breathe for a year.
ecologyfund.com is one of a kind that the world really needs when it comes to and for the good of the balance in the wild that needs constructive human interactions.
They saved hundreds of miles of land so far. And we are supporting them in every platform.
The website offers serious information about many ecological issues.
Website Note:
You have saved 70 square feet of South American Rain Forest, paid for by the sponsors above. Please visit their sites to thank them. Visiting them will at least double the sponsor's or advertiser's contribution to this project.
About EcologyFund
EcologyFund is owned and operated by The Hunger Site Network as a way to get new funds for critical habitat and wilderness preservation using the power of the internet. When you "click to give" our sponsors pay the project you selected to preserve the number of square feet shown by each project. You pay nothing. To maximize the contribution, click on each project every day. If you register, The Hunger Site Network will donate 500 square feet of wilderness in your name, and will keep a running tally for you of all the land you have preserved. Other sites owned and operated by The Hunger Site Network are The Hunger Site, The Breast Cancer Site, The Rainforest Site, The Animal Rescue Site, and GreaterGood.com.
All monies from sponsorships generated on EcologyFund go to purchase and protect wild lands. Sponsors are interested in supporting wilderness preservation for the same reasons we are: 1) its good for the environment, 2) our advertising budgets can do double duty and accomplish something important, and 3) the best form of public relations is good work. If you click and visit a sponsor's site it will usually double their contribution. Clicks to site advertisers in our Special Donations section will save additional land or plant trees. Certain actions (ordering free catalogs or registering for free) will save even more land or plant additional trees through our Rainforest Rewards section. Shopping through Shop For Acres will save an average of 50 square feet per dollar spent. The average amount of land protected through each action of the site is always specified. A breakdown of the amount contributed is listed in our totals section.
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