Be a United Nations Volunteer (Free, with Career Opportunities)

Be a UN Volunteer

When you search for volunteering opportunities, you might end up wondering why so many associations will use your labor for particular periods and charge you 5-star hotel prices if you are interested in volunteering somewhere rather than a nice vacation.

This question has been in our mind for several years. We are trying to find the most reliable organizations for volunteers.

We will for the time being recommend the United Nations volunteering programs, with which you will find several opportunities, and definitely career opportunities if you have the necessary qualifications.

Website Note

UNV is inspired by the conviction that volunteerism is a powerful means of engaging people in tackling development challenges worldwide.  Everyone can contribute their time, skills and knowledge through volunteer action, and their combined efforts can be a significant force for achieving peace and development.

Volunteering makes important economic and social contributions, contributing to a more cohesive society by building trust and reciprocity among citizens. It can be both challenging and rewarding and require you to use your skills in a new context. You can also transfer useful knowledge while gaining a greater understanding of the issues affecting other people.

Support UNV and UN Volunteers in the field
UNV Programme Officers (UNV POs) are volunteers assigned by UNV to the task of representing UNV at the country level in addition to managing the needs and expectations of other UN Volunteers assigned to that country. Read the stories of two current UNV POs.
Are you interested and/or available to volunteer your time and skills on a short-term assignment of three months or less?
For information on serving in countries other than your own as an international UN Volunteer, go to register to be a UN Volunteer.  For information on serving in your own country as a national UN Volunteer, please contact your local UNV or UNDP office.

There is also possibility for online volunteering with the UN.

UN notes:
Everyone can make a difference. Share your skills, knowledge and ideas -
from a computer anywhere in the world.
Take action for development
Hundreds of opportunities are available
·         Join hands with people from across the globe
·         Unleash your talents to help address challenges faced by developing countries
·         Engage in the work of grassroots organizations, international NGOs, local governments, educational institutions and United Nations agencies
·         Experience the flexibility of volunteering online
If you are an organization in need of volunteers, you may follow the instructions of the UN below:

