Protect rainforests, oceans, and more with Rainforest Rescue

Protect rainforests, oceans, and more with Rainforest Rescue 

Penan and Berawan people resisting logging in Mulu forest, Sarawak, Malaysia
Rainforest Rescue
In addition to many other reliable petition sites and click sites we include here, we can recommend Rainforest Rescue that really has wonderful projects with which you can freely volunteer by signing its Petitions.

Website's Note

Rainforest Rescue is a nonprofit organization actively committed to preserving rainforests, protecting their inhabitants, and furthering social reforms. Since 1986, we have been interfering with the business interests of timber and cattle barons, oil and mining companies, Western banks and corrupt politicians. They all stand to make quick profits from the destruction of rainforests, while nomads, rubber tappers, indigenous tribes and small farmers are robbed of their livelihoods.

Without international assistance, rainforest dwellers are often powerless. They frequently face discrimination as ethnic minorities and lack the financial resources to assert their rights.
